Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's summer movie season

We are beginning to enter summertime, which means one thing. Movie premieres. I started thinking back to my childhood to the first big movie I remember waiting to see. The answer was obvious and is still one of my favorites, KARATE KID II. I went with all caps to emphasize my strong feelings. I still remember how jacked I was waiting to see the sequel to one of the best movies ever made, KARATE KID. Karate Kid was pretty much the perfect storm of awesome. You had Daniel Larusso who was kind of dorky, who could relate to that. Next you had the Cobra Kai's who were hateable but had those B.A. black karate uniforms. Finally Mr. Miyagi with his crane technique. The scene before the finals when he smacked his hands together and started rubbing to generate heat still gives me chill bumps. How could the sequel not be as awesome? Boy did it deliver! Daniel-son and Mr. Miyagi travel to Okinawa and face-off against Sato and Cobra-Kai Far East. Just when the crane was getting played out, we get the arm swinging drum. Again, the chill bumps still pop up when all the people at the festival are banging them back and forth in unison. I remember other big summer movies, but none have yet matched the magic of KKII. Send me the first big movie you remember seeing.

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