Monday, November 9, 2009

Commercial Acting

I am curious about the people who appear in commercials, especially commercials for medicines. Are they "serious" actors who are just trying to break into the business? Or, are they regular people who said screw it, I might as well be in the commercial for erectile dysfunction. Even if it was just for fun, wouldn't you be a little worried about people recognizing you and thinking you really are that guy? Now if you are serious about acting, is that really the springboard to work with Spielberg? I just can't see them hearing, "We loved you in the Levitra ad, we want you to star in a romantic comedy with Halle Berry." What about the band that plays Viva Viagra, do you think they are on iTunes, or tour the country? As I have said before, I would definitely buy the band's album. They can play in any style you want.

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