Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cheaters, The show.

Am I the only one who considers "Cheaters" a guilty pleasure. I have been watching this show off and on for approximately 8 years, and it never disappoints. First, let me say that cheating on someone you claim to love, seems like one of the scummiest things you can do. Having said that, it seems like both sides of every episode are in on it a little. I mean I can't tell you how many times you hear the one being cheated on say something like "You swore this wouldn't happen again." Or, you hear the cheater saying something like, "I forgave you when you cheated". Here's my take, if you are suspicious enough to hire a TV show to investigate your significant other, then there are probably some underlying issues whether or not they find anything. I think I have only seen one case where they didn't uncover an affair. I think maybe the biggest reason for the show's success is the Joey Greco. I think one of the big reasons he is likeable is because he is surrounded by "good-uns" at all times. I love their tagline: "This program is both dedicated to the faithful and presented to the false-hearted to encourage their renewal of temperance and virtue. " I think their heart is ultimately in the right place, but it is hard to get the message with all that awesome entertainment. Two of my favorites below.
The one where Joey gets stabbed.
The one where the dude gets flipped in the portapotty and has his keys thrown in the woods.
A word of warning to the false-hearted, if Joey Greco shows up at your door, you're in big trouble!


  1. Cheaters is possibly one of the greatest shows on television. I remember watching one episode with a spanish couple, and she cheated on him with his nephew. Classy.

  2. holy crap!! is that guy ok?? that was a lot of blood! I've never seen this show, but now I'm intrigued!

  3. Oh, not only is he okay, he is back and better than ever. I normally watch it on G4, but you can find alot of clips on youtube and on their website, www. cheaters.com
